Frequently ask questions.

Common Questions

Most Popular Questions

These are answers to commonly asked questions.

No need to say much. If you test it, you will know. What's the use of selling a product that doesn't do anything?

It is best to take it after drinking alcohol and before going to bed. If you drink too much and forget, you can take it the next morning. Some people take it 30 minutes before drinking. Then you will have much less hangovers.

Yes it is possible. Test it first, and if you determine that it is effective, you can then decide on OEM production. We do not force you to purchase before the effectiveness has been verified. 

If you are interested in our products, we can meet with you. We want a true partner.

As you know, Korea has a very large hangover cure market. The products are also diverse. Our products has special ingredients which other competitors can not get. 

Let’s make the world a better place.

You already know how painful and difficult a hangovcer is in the world

Payment Questions

Most Popular Questions

Frequently asked questions regarding payment

Payment is made by T/T or L/C. Above all, effectiveness is important. If it doesn't work, it's meaningless.

No. We never force you. Please take a small amount at first, see the market reaction, and then gradually increase the quantity.

Yes, currently available in US dollars. Other currencies can negotiate with each other to find an agreement.

Yes. This is possible in small quantities.


Of course. Trust is the basis of any business. Please meet me first and see if I can be trusted. Because I am confident in the effectiveness of the product, I will provide a refund whenever the customer wishes. All processes are the same. Face-to-face meeting -> Testing -> Small order -> Increase in quantity